-- card: 16523 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 3426 -- name: Pecan grove ----- HyperTalk script ----- on openCard global score subtract 5 from score if score <= 0 then visual effect scroll up go card "end" end if put score into field "scorebox" end openCard on mouseUp get field "textarea" of card "Mountain Trail" put it&return&"Hammock Bed" into field "textarea" of card "Mountain Trail" get field "textarea" of card "Communal Hut" put it&return&"A golden angel" into field "textarea" of card "Communal Hut" visual effect dissolve go card "Mountain Trail" end mouseUp -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- Pecan grove -- part contents for background part 2 ----- text ----- A well travelled branch of the mountain trail takes you to a pecan grove. It is dusk, and bats are leaving their perches in the trees. They rise like a dark cloud into an indigo sky. -- part contents for background part 5 ----- text ----- 240